Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Assignment (Chapter 5)


BioNational Pharmaceuticals is committed to providing natural medicines supported by credible clinical research. We believe in the individual's right to pursue the safest and highest quality health treatments of their own choice. We find that our customers are generally very well informed and have chosen to take responsibility for their own health.

1) E-Business channel priority

Clicks (Only sell their products online via website and phone call without having clinics and/or stores to sell the product).

2) Organizational restructuring and capabilities

Using in-house division for developing and maintaining the web without outsourcing.

3) Business, Service, and Revenue model

- Market place position

Act as seller controlled which sells their own products online.

- Revenue Model

By selling the products and benefit from it by reducing cost to set-up stores. (Online Purchasing)

- Commercial Model

Fixed price sales

4) Market Place Restructuring

- No buy side

- Sell side

Disintermediation strategy (Selling the products online and provides the security services to secure the online transaction and provide delivery services via post)

5) Market and Product Development Strategies

Market development strategy (To get worldwide market)

6) Positioning and Differentiation Strategies

- Product performance

Sell products with detail information and FAQ feature to educate customers about the product itself with options of product delivery carriers (mail or direct mail)

- Relationship excellence

In order to ask questions, giving advice, or track the products sent, communication available is via email and web inquiries.

NOTES: Bagus buat yang kena / gejala katarak karena dapat menghilangkan katarak tanpa operasi! (paling nggak mengurangi kalo ga menghilangkan total :D)


Marcories (0840000653) said...

terbukti loh... anjing gw berkurang setelah apke beberapa botol :D

btw kalo mau kirim maksimal 2 kotak per pengiriman, soalnya pernah kirim lebih dari itu dan d tahan BPPOM >.< bete....

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